Second-cycle studies - [for foreigners] - recruitment for the summer semester 2024/2025

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Computer Science and Information Systems, full-time second cycle studies in Polish, 3 semesters, The Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science

Code 112D-MSP-SI
Organizational unit The Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science
Field of studies Computer Science and Information Systems
Form of studies full-time
Level of education second-cycle
Educational profile academic
Language(s) of instruction Polish
Duration 4 semesters
Required document
  • higher education diploma
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There is currently no active phase.

Past phases in this registration:
  • Phase 1 (08.01.2025 00:00 – 04.02.2025 23:59)

The main stages of action

  1. Create and activate an IRK account.
  2. Complete other formalities, e.g. attach the scans of required documents via the IRK account.
  3. Pay the application fee within the deadlines.
  4. Deliver the paper versions of required documents to your Faculty (or to the Distance Learning Center if you apply for online studies) within the deadlines.
  5. Check messages and information on your IRK account.

Please note

  • If you have not taken the diploma exam yet, please provide the date of the planned defense and attach a file with a statement confirming that the defense is planned on the given date.
  • If you have already taken your diploma exam but still need to get a graduation diploma, please provide the defense date and attach a file with a certificate from the dean's office about the exam result.

Zasady rekrutacji


  • Jeżeli jesteś jeszcze przed egzaminem dyplomowym:
    • podaj datę planowanej obrony i załącz plik z oświadczeniem, że obrona jest planowana w podanym terminie,
    • w Edycji wyników egzaminów zaznacz opcję „Czy zdawany” – na tym etapie tworzenia zgłoszenia nie musisz podawać konkretnych wartości liczbowych.
  • Jeżeli jesteś po egzaminie dyplomowym, ale nie posiadasz jeszcze dyplomu ukończenia studiów, podaj datę obrony i załącz plik z zaświadczeniem z dziekanatu o wyniku egzaminu.