Doctoral school - recruitment for the summer semester 2024/2025

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Candidate of Warsaw University of Technology Doctoral School,

Below you will find the most essential information which will help with the recruitment process.

Recruitment to WUT Doctoral School takes place through the Online Recruitment of Candidates (Internetowa Rekrutacja Kandydatów – IRK). The detailed description of the admission process step by step you will find in the instruction.

Until the last day of admissions, a candidate may make any modification in their recruitment enrolls.

The IRK system is also a way of communication with the candidates, to inform with the help of individual messages about their situation during the recruitment process.

Warning! One of the obligatory documents submitted at the beginning of the recruitment is the prospective research topic with the acceptance of a potential supervisor.

The choice of the potential supervisor is obligatory and it is candidate’s responsibility – if you haven’t chosen the potential supervisor, use the supervisor search engine. Contact with the chosen person and discuss the prospective research topic and the cooperation together.

In the WUT Doctoral School quide you can find the detailed description of the recruitment process on particular phases and the answers to the most frequently asked questions by the candidates.

Stay up to date with the latest news, add the new website of the WUT Doctoral School to your favorites - you will find here the most necessary information regarding, among others: recruitment schedule, education regulations, scholarship, medical examinations, classes and contact to the PhD Students Office.

Choose the discipline from WUT Doctoral School and register.